Making financial RESOLUTIONS FOR 2025? Do these 6 things first
Do you make financial resolutions at the start of a new year? Whether you do or don’t, here are some things you should consider for 2025. Taking the time to focus and review before you make any resolutions can make it easier for you to keep your promises to yourself.
3 tips for a strong Financial 2025
One thing to consider is to decide in advance how much money you can afford to spend on holiday giving. Once you make your decision, stick to it.
Long-term care is costly;start planning now
It’s no secret that 24-7 care for yourself or a loved one is expensive. In Mississippi, the average cost of a nursing home is $8,517 a month for a semi-private room and $8,760 for a private room.
Retirement is coming: Are you Ready?
Do you know what it would take to have $1 million in your retirement plan at age 65, assuming your dollars compound tax deferred and your annual average returns are 10 percent?
Conventional wisdom tells us that we should plan for college for our children when they are born. I like to evaluate each situation individually.
5 Reasons why you should consider a tax-free retirement account
As a financial professional, I like to present information and ask questions that cause people to think outside the box. With this in mind, and because you may not know what a tax-free retirement account (TFRA) is, let’s delve into this topic. A TFRA is a retirement...
What is your standard response to change? Do you resist or embrace life’s transitions? Do you view change as positive, negative, or simply inevitable? I suggest that change is an essential part of life.
A money-savvy guide to joyful giving
What do you think of when you reflect on holidays gone by? Do you have sweet memories of time spent with friends and family, or unpleasant recollections of frantic gift-buying, stress, and debt?
Navigating the complexities of caregiving
Many of you may find yourself in the same situation I have been in for 15 years, working through how to care for your aging parents or other relatives in a way that honors them, gives them as much independence as possible while keeping them safe, doesn’t harm your mental or physical health and doesn’t bankrupt everyone.
You don’t have to be a Financial Statistic
Statistics are interesting numbers. Some people love them, and others think they are a way to twist things to a particular advantage.

Kathy P. Rogers
Life Planner
Business Coach
“The process of planning for the unexpected begins with a conversation. I want to get to know you – your dreams, your goals, your passions. I want to know what makes you who you are. My goal is to listen, then help you design a plan that aligns with all these things as well as your budget.”
Marston Rogers Group
Kathy Rogers is owner and VP of Marston Rogers Group, a financial services and life insurance business. As a Life Planner, her passion is to help individuals and businesses review where they are, then help them design and implement life and retirement plans as well as business exit strategies. Through proper planning and execution, the financial anxiety surrounding life goals and retirement can be greatly reduced.